Sunday, June 8, 2014

30 Day Plant Based Diet

Everyone seems to love a 30 day challenge. So here is one for everyone.
This is a 30 day plant based diet challenge. You can only eat a plant
based diet and can only use the foods listed. Eat only the foods listed for
that day. If the calendar reads "watermelon", then you only eat watermelon on
that day. Do not eat any other foods on that day. Eat as much watermelon as
you want on that day. You eat as much of whatever food is listed on that day,
as much as you want, unlimited. But, only eat the listed food. Only drink
water, tea, or coffee during the challenge, nothing else. Why not try it? You
have nothing to lose except 15lbs of fat. Well, you will probably lose aches
and pains too. No alcohol during this challenge.


  1. Why not cheeses or milk/cream in coffee? Should I use white sugar? Thanks for answering my questions.

  2. This is plant based, no animal products such as dairy. Only whole plants, no processed plants such as sugar or seed oils. Dairy and processed foods cause problems when you are trying to improve your health and reduce body fat.
